Schlagwort englisch

case study smartcontext background

Smartconext Case Study

Smart­conext: Buil­ding orders and razor-sharp leads at the click of a mouse Starting point Smart­conext is a Swiss mar­ket­place for cons­truc­tion and real estate com­pa­nies and repres­ents an inter­face bet­ween cons­truc­tion com­pa­nies of all sizes and poten­tial cli­ents. Smart­conext deli­vers building…

case study visana background

Visana Case Study

Visana and SLRG: More clicks for safer swim­ming fun Starting point The health insu­rance com­pany Visana and the SLRG (Swiss Lifes­aving Society) have been making common cause with the “Save your fri­ends” cam­paign since 2018. The pre­ven­tion and awa­re­ness cam­paign aims…