Building orders and razor-sharp leads at the click of a mouse

Starting point

Smart­conext is a Swiss mar­ket­place for cons­truc­tion and real estate com­pa­nies and repres­ents an inter­face bet­ween cons­truc­tion com­pa­nies of all sizes and poten­tial cli­ents. Smart­conext deli­vers buil­ding appli­ca­tions and so called “sub­mis­sions” (tem­plates) directly to its cus­to­mers via a fle­xible sub­scrip­tion system. This gives them cru­cial advan­tages in attrac­ting new cli­ents, as they have fast and struc­tured access to all appli­ca­tions for plan­ning per­mis­sion and important decision-makers’ contact details.

Attackera accom­pa­nied Smartconext’s entry into the “market sphere”. The goal was to mea­sure visitor flows and their beha­vior across the various cam­paign chan­nels in order to obtain reliable cam­paign results.

Intergalactic good results

Paid & Organic Search 

Based on a key­word poten­tial ana­lysis, we desi­gned the cam­paign struc­ture. We then inte­grated stra­te­gi­cally important key­words into the landing pages. This increased the rele­vance of the paid ads and improved the ran­king of the respec­tive landing pages. 

Programmatic Advertising 

In order to attract valuable leads and exi­sting cont­acts into Smartconext’s orbit and gene­rate traffic within it, we employed two stra­te­gies. Firstly, we tar­geted poten­ti­ally pro­fi­table user pro­files in advance via Google Analytics. Secondly, we retar­geted exi­sting Smart­conext users who had not yet registered. 

Close monitoring and coordination 

Using accu­rate moni­to­ring and thanks to the coor­di­na­tion of marketing efforts across all chan­nels, we were able to create an extre­mely effi­cient cam­paign struc­ture. This enabled Smart­conext to suc­cessfully pro­mote its offer with ROI-ori­ented mea­sures already at the time of market entry. 

With this high-flyer pro­ject, we intro­duced Smart­conext to the world of almost unli­mited digital marketing pos­si­bi­li­ties and won the silver medal at the Best of Swiss Web Award 2020.