Digital Advertising: Succeed In Reaching For The Stars

Discover the sheer endless possibilities of digital advertising with us. Thanks to our many years of cross-channel experience in the design, execution and optimization of digital marketing projects and with the help of the latest tools, your online marketing will take off like a rocket. We’ll bring potential customers from all over the universe to your planet — and we’ll ensure that they keep coming back. 

Mit unseren DataVerse Solutions kannst du:

Deinen Umsatz
 kon­ti­nu­ier­lich steigern

Deine Kunden
genauer ken­nen­lernen

Deine Wer­be­aus­gaben
 effi­zi­enter einsetzten

Ein bes­seres Online-Erlebnis
für deine Kunden schaffen

Our Competences at a Glance


Suchmaschinen Marketing (SEM)

Social Media Marketing

Digital Out of Home (DOOH)


Website & UX Design

Programmatic Advertising

Suchmaschinen Marketing (SEM)

Social Media Marketing

Digital out of Home (DOOH)

Programmatic Audio

Website & UX Design

Programmatic Advertising

Leave the time-con­suming boo­king of advertising space to the algo­rithms: Programmatic advertising is the auto­mated ser­ving of indi­vi­dua­lized advertising spaces in real time. With programmatic advertising, you can target those users in real time who match your online advertising mea­sures such as ban­ners or spots best. 

Programmatic Advertising

Leave the time-con­suming boo­king of advertising space to the algo­rithms: Programmatic advertising is the auto­mated ser­ving of indi­vi­dua­lized advertising spaces in real time. With programmatic advertising, you can target those users in real time who match your online advertising mea­sures such as ban­ners or spots best. 

Suchmaschinen Marketing (SEM)

Just a faint flicker or the brigh­test star in the World Wide Web? The more visible you and your busi­ness are to search engines like Google, Bing & Co., the more likely poten­tial cus­to­mers will find your busi­ness. A web­site or landing page in line with SEO and paid, key­word-opti­mized search engine ads (e.g. Google Ads) are a sound basis for rea­ching your online marketing acti­vi­ties’ long-term goal. 

Suchmaschinen Marketing (SEM)

Just a faint flicker or the brigh­test star in the World Wide Web? The more visible you and your busi­ness are to search engines like Google, Bing & Co., the more likely poten­tial cus­to­mers will find your busi­ness. A web­site or landing page in line with SEO and paid, key­word-opti­mized search engine ads (e.g. Google Ads) are a sound basis for rea­ching your online marketing acti­vi­ties’ long-term goal. 

Social Media Marketing

The spheres of Meta (Insta­gram, Face­book), Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat and Lin­kedIn are home to users from all gala­xies. With tar­geted social media advertising, you can take inte­re­sted users on a journey to your home planet, i.e. to your web­site or your online store — and turn them into poten­tial customers. 

Social Media Marketing

The spheres of Meta (Insta­gram, Face­book), Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat and Lin­kedIn are home to users from all gala­xies. With tar­geted social media advertising, you can take inte­re­sted users on a journey to your home planet, i.e. to your web­site or your online store — and turn them into poten­tial customers. 

Digital out of Home

Turn Switzerland’s publicly acce­s­sible screens into advertising satel­lites for your busi­ness: Be it at train sta­tions, on buses, in pede­strian zones or in stores — Digital Out Of Home is gro­wing and has become the market of the future. Thanks to programmatic advertising, DOOH gives you the oppor­tu­nity to dyna­mically and geo­gra­phi­cally fle­xibly place your digital mes­sages — even with people who nor­mally wouldn’t be online. 

Digital out of Home

Turn Switzerland’s publicly acce­s­sible screens into advertising satel­lites for your busi­ness: Be it at train sta­tions, on buses, in pede­strian zones or in stores — Digital Out Of Home is gro­wing and has become the market of the future. Thanks to programmatic advertising, DOOH gives you the oppor­tu­nity to dyna­mically and geo­gra­phi­cally fle­xibly place your digital mes­sages — even with people who nor­mally wouldn’t be online. 

Programmatic Audio

With Attackera, there’s some­thing for your ears. Namely, your advertising mes­sage, placed where a lot of people listen. With Programmatic Audio, we book sui­table advertising slots in our audio and pod­cast net­work, the most important asso­cia­tion of pri­vate radio broad­ca­sters in Switz­er­land, on the lea­ding streaming plat­form Spo­tify and within pod­casts. With spe­cific tar­ge­ting — e.g. by age, loca­tion or inte­rest — we reach mil­lions of listeners in the audio cosmos for you on a daily basis. 

Programmatic Audio

With Attackera, there’s some­thing for your ears. Namely, your advertising mes­sage, placed where a lot of people listen. With Programmatic Audio, we book sui­table advertising slots in our audio and pod­cast net­work, the most important asso­cia­tion of pri­vate radio broad­ca­sters in Switz­er­land, on the lea­ding streaming plat­form Spo­tify and within pod­casts. With spe­cific tar­ge­ting — e.g. by age, loca­tion or inte­rest — we reach mil­lions of listeners in the audio cosmos for you on a daily basis. 

Website & UX Design

No matter whe­ther you want to revamp your web­site, create a cam­paign landing page or use advertising mate­rial such as online ban­ners — our crew will create the tools of your choice cost-effi­ci­ently and in a tech­ni­cally state of the art manner. In order to ensure that your online marketing pro­ject is not only built on a strong foun­da­tion, but also laun­ches at the speed of light. 

Website & UX Design

No matter whe­ther you want to revamp your web­site, create a cam­paign landing page or use advertising mate­rial such as online ban­ners — our crew will create the tools of your choice cost-effi­ci­ently and in a tech­ni­cally state of the art manner. In order to ensure that your online marketing pro­ject is not only built on a strong foun­da­tion, but also laun­ches at the speed of light. 

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