Discover the endless possibilities of digital advertising

Ready for take-off? Start your successful advertising project now.
We accompany you on your journey through the advertising universe.
Ready for take-off? Start your successful advertising project now. We accompany you on your journey through the advertising universe.

1x Gold

1x Silber

1x Bronze


Our competencies

Diver­sity and exper­tise in action

Whe­ther programmatic advertising, social media advertising or search engine marketing, our con­trol center keeps your digital advertising pro­ject on course in real time. How will your mission fly and where should it dock? We design and pro­duce your advertising mate­rial, landing pages and web­sites cost-effectively.

Before laun­ching your advertising mission, we ana­lyze your pro­ject in detail, check the oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks and find out how your users navi­gate. We prepare the data obtained for you in a clear and con­cise manner and define rea­li­stic target coor­di­nates tog­e­ther — as a stable basis for the mete­oric rise of your online advertising project.

We design your advertising mission across all rele­vant chan­nels and accom­pany you on your journey through the advertising uni­verse to your desti­na­tion. We build the right space­ship for you to get there — equipped with the latest tech­no­lo­gies that are indi­vi­du­ally tail­ored to your goals.

Whe­ther programmatic advertising, social media advertising or search engine marketing, our con­trol center keeps your digital advertising pro­ject on course in real time. How will your mission fly and where should it dock? We design and pro­duce your advertising mate­rial, landing pages and web­sites cost-effectively.

Whe­ther programmatic advertising, social media advertising or search engine marketing, our con­trol center keeps your digital advertising pro­ject on track in real time.

Before laun­ching your advertising mission, we ana­lyze your pro­ject in detail, check the oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks and find out how your users navi­gate. We prepare the data obtained for you in a clear and con­cise manner and define rea­li­stic target coor­di­nates tog­e­ther — as a stable basis for the mete­oric rise of your online advertising project.

Before laun­ching your advertising mission, we ana­lyze your pro­ject in detail, check the oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks and find out how your users navi­gate. We then prepare a clear over­view of the data obtained.

We design your advertising mission across all rele­vant chan­nels and accom­pany you on your journey through the advertising uni­verse to your desti­na­tion. We build the right space­ship for you to get there — equipped with the latest tech­no­lo­gies that are indi­vi­du­ally tail­ored to your goals.

We design your advertising mission across all rele­vant chan­nels and accom­pany you on your journey through the advertising uni­verse to your destination.

Together on a mission

Ever­ything for your success

Attackera is your inde­pen­dent Swiss agency for digital advertising, marketing and con­sul­ting. We con­sist­ently drive the deve­lo­p­ment of digital advertising solu­tions. We are one of the pio­neers in the field of programmatic advertising in Switz­er­land. Our goal: your digital advertising success.

More about us

Together on a mission

Ever­ything for your success

Attackera is your inde­pen­dent Swiss agency for digital advertising, marketing and con­sul­ting. We con­sist­ently drive the deve­lo­p­ment of digital advertising solu­tions. We are one of the pio­neers in the field of programmatic advertising in Switz­er­land. Our goal: your digital advertising success.

More about us

Our best digital missions

Inspi­ra­tion through proven successes