Data Analytics: Rocket Power for Your Digital Marketing

In the digital age, the use of data in marketing is not just an option, but a necessity for any forward-looking company. As the data architects behind your marketing success, we decode user behavior, analyze patterns and turn insights into clear instructions for you. Don’t let your data disappear into space unused!

With our DataVerse Solutions you can:

con­ti­nuously increase
your tur­nover
get to know your
cus­to­mers better 

use your advertising  
spend more efficiently

create a better online-expe­ri­ence 

Our DataVerse at a glance

We navi­gate you con­fi­dently through your data universe

Data Collection

Sel­ec­tion of tracking solu­tions, deve­lo­p­ment of tracking con­cepts and ope­ra­tional implementation.


Data Storage / Management

Easier manage­ment of your marketing data with our marketing data warehouse solutions.


Data Modeling / Optimization

In the Marketing Data Warehouse, we prepare the raw data spe­ci­fi­cally for infor­ma­tion and insight generation.


Data Analysis

With our ser­vice package for ana­ly­zing marketing data, we make the most of your most valuable resource.


Data Visualization

We visua­lize com­plex data volumes in the form of dash­boards and make AI-based recom­men­da­tions for action.


Knowledge Transfer & Empowerment

We share our know­ledge through work­shops and coa­ching in order to be suc­cessful together.


Data Collection

Sel­ec­tion of tracking solu­tions, deve­lo­p­ment of tracking con­cepts and ope­ra­tional implementation.


Data Storage / Management

Easier manage­ment of your marketing data with our marketing data warehouse solutions.


Data Modeling / Optimization

In the Marketing Data Warehouse, we prepare the raw data spe­ci­fi­cally for infor­ma­tion and insight generation.


Data Analysis

With our ser­vice package for ana­ly­zing marketing data, we make the most of your most valuable resource.


Data Visualization

We visua­lize com­plex data volumes in the form of dash­boards and make AI-based recom­men­da­tions for action.


Knowledge Transfer & Empowerment

We share our know­ledge through work­shops and coa­ching in order to be suc­cessful together.


Data Collection

Our audits, setups and data coll­ec­tion stra­te­gies pro­vide you with the insights you need to target your marketing cam­paigns based on data and reach your target groups more effectively.

We con­duct a tho­rough review of your cur­rent tracking setup to ensure that all rele­vant events, con­ver­sions and touch­points on your web­site are captured.

Tog­e­ther we develop a data coll­ec­tion stra­tegy that builds on your goals by revie­wing exi­sting data and tap­ping into new data sources.

In the tracking concept, on the other hand, we visua­lize the most important touch­points in the form of journey flows and thus out­line a tracking setup that makes data-based decis­ions possible.

Wit­hout tracking, insights into cam­paigns and user beha­vior remain unused. That’s why we imple­ment the right tag manage­ment system and imple­ment your tracking in com­pli­ance with data pro­tec­tion regulations.

We spe­cia­lize in incre­a­sing data qua­lity through server-side tracking. We are happy to work with you to select the best pro­vider and ensure seam­less implementation.

Wit­hout con­stant moni­to­ring, data pro­blems can go unno­ticed and lead to fail­ures. Our moni­to­ring ensures the qua­lity of your data and pre­vents setups from get­ting out of hand.

Data Collection

Our audits, setups and data coll­ec­tion stra­te­gies pro­vide you with the insights you need to target your marketing cam­paigns based on data and reach your target groups more effectively.

We con­duct a tho­rough review of your cur­rent tracking setup to ensure that all rele­vant events, con­ver­sions and touch­points on your web­site are captured.

Tog­e­ther we develop a data coll­ec­tion stra­tegy that builds on your goals by revie­wing exi­sting data and tap­ping into new data sources.

In the tracking concept, on the other hand, we visua­lize the most important touch­points in the form of journey flows and thus out­line a tracking setup that makes data-based decis­ions possible.

Wit­hout tracking, insights into cam­paigns and user beha­vior remain unused. That’s why we imple­ment the right tag manage­ment system and imple­ment your tracking in com­pli­ance with data pro­tec­tion regulations.

We spe­cia­lize in incre­a­sing data qua­lity through server-side tracking. We are happy to work with you to select the best pro­vider and ensure seam­less implementation.

Wit­hout con­stant moni­to­ring, data pro­blems can go unno­ticed and lead to fail­ures. Our moni­to­ring ensures the qua­lity of your data and pre­vents setups from get­ting out of hand.

Data Storage and Management

Wit­hout a good data warehouse, marketing data is often scat­tered and inac­cu­rate, making com­pre­hen­sive ana­lysis of cus­tomer beha­vior and cam­paign suc­cess dif­fi­cult and data-based decis­ions more complicated.

Our demand-ori­ented data warehouse solu­tions, which are also sui­table for smaller com­pa­nies, solve these chal­lenges and thus con­tri­bute to your long-term marketing success.

With our spe­ci­ally deve­loped audit for marketing data, we take a close look at your data manage­ment prac­tices. We iden­tify risk fac­tors and opti­mization poten­tial to ensure that your data can be pro­ce­ssed secu­rely and reliably. 

Our needs-ori­ented marketing data warehouse solu­tions help you to opti­mize cus­tomer com­mu­ni­ca­tion, manage marketing in a tar­geted manner and increase effi­ci­ency. Tog­e­ther, we create a data pro­tec­tion-com­pliant data archi­tec­ture that forms a solid basis for decis­ions in data-driven marketing.

Imple­men­ting an effec­tive marketing data warehouse is an enormous chall­enge, espe­ci­ally for smaller companies.

From the very first step, we ensure that your data struc­ture com­plies with best prac­tices — one less burden for you, with the aim of streng­thening your data-driven marketing.

With con­ti­nuous moni­to­ring and con­trol, we ensure that your marketing stra­te­gies are based on up-to-date, con­si­stent and secure data. Our ana­lysis tools and regular performance checks gua­rantee an effi­cient marketing data warehouse that meets the latest requi­re­ments and offers high data qua­lity for decision-making.

Data Storage and Management

Wit­hout a good data warehouse, marketing data is often scat­tered and inac­cu­rate, making com­pre­hen­sive ana­lysis of cus­tomer beha­vior and cam­paign suc­cess dif­fi­cult and data-based decis­ions more complicated.

Our demand-ori­ented data warehouse solu­tions, which are also sui­table for smaller com­pa­nies, solve these chal­lenges and thus con­tri­bute to your long-term marketing success.

With our spe­ci­ally deve­loped audit for marketing data, we take a close look at your data manage­ment prac­tices. We iden­tify risk fac­tors and opti­mization poten­tial to ensure that your data can be pro­ce­ssed secu­rely and reliably. 

Our needs-ori­ented marketing data warehouse solu­tions help you to opti­mize cus­tomer com­mu­ni­ca­tion, manage marketing in a tar­geted manner and increase effi­ci­ency. Tog­e­ther, we create a data pro­tec­tion-com­pliant data archi­tec­ture that forms a solid basis for decis­ions in data-driven marketing.

Imple­men­ting an effec­tive marketing data warehouse is an enormous chall­enge, espe­ci­ally for smaller com­pa­nies.

From the very first step, we ensure that your data struc­ture com­plies with best prac­tices — one less burden for you, with the aim of streng­thening your data-driven marketing.

With con­ti­nuous moni­to­ring and con­trol, we ensure that your marketing stra­te­gies are based on up-to-date, con­si­stent and secure data. Our ana­lysis tools and regular performance checks gua­rantee an effi­cient marketing data warehouse that meets the latest requi­re­ments and offers high data qua­lity for decision-making.

Data Modeling and Optimization

In the world of data, qua­lity is just as important as quan­tity. Our data opti­mization ser­vices ensure that your data is not only com­pre­hen­sive, but also accu­rate, rele­vant and actionable. We help you eli­mi­nate data waste and maxi­mize the effi­ci­ency of your data resources.

A tho­rough review of your data pro­ce­s­sing pro­ce­sses reveals hidden inef­fi­ci­en­cies and inac­cu­ra­cies. We iden­tify dupli­ca­tions, incon­si­sten­cies and gaps to improve data reliability.

Based on the audit results, we develop a cus­to­mized stra­tegy for data cle­an­sing and enrich­ment. The aim is to syste­ma­ti­cally increase data qua­lity and create a solid basis for data-driven decisions.

Con­stant moni­to­ring gua­ran­tees that data qua­lity does not drop. We estab­lish a system of regular checks and balances to ensure long-term data reliability.

Data Modeling and Optimization

In the world of data, qua­lity is just as important as quan­tity. Our data opti­mization ser­vices ensure that your data is not only com­pre­hen­sive, but also accu­rate, rele­vant and actionable. We help you eli­mi­nate data waste and maxi­mize the effi­ci­ency of your data resources.

A tho­rough review of your data pro­ce­s­sing pro­ce­sses reveals hidden inef­fi­ci­en­cies and inac­cu­ra­cies. We iden­tify dupli­ca­tions, incon­si­sten­cies and gaps to improve data reliability.

Based on the audit results, we develop a cus­to­mized stra­tegy for data cle­an­sing and enrich­ment. The aim is to syste­ma­ti­cally increase data qua­lity and create a solid basis for data-driven decisions.

Con­stant moni­to­ring gua­ran­tees that data qua­lity does not drop. We estab­lish a system of regular checks and balances to ensure long-term data reliability.

Data Analysis

Data ana­lysis trans­forms raw data into valuable insights. Our exper­tise enables you to reco­gnize pat­terns, pre­dict trends and make informed decis­ions that drive your busi­ness forward.

We eva­luate your cur­rent analytics setup to iden­tify any need for opti­mization or mis­con­fi­gu­ra­tion. This step is cru­cial to ensure that you can trust your data.

We develop a com­pre­hen­sive analytics stra­tegy that is ali­gned with your busi­ness goals. We deter­mine which data should be coll­ected, how it should be ana­lyzed and inter­preted in order to achieve the grea­test pos­sible benefit.

Set­ting up and opti­mi­zing analytics tools and plat­forms that enable effi­cient data ana­lysis. We ensure that you have access to the latest tech­no­lo­gies and can fully uti­lize your data ana­lysis capacities.

Under­stand your marketing data better with cus­to­mized dash­boards and in-depth data ana­lysis. With daily updates to our Loo­ker­Studio dash­board, you can always keep an eye on the performance of your cam­paigns. Our experts also sup­port you with regular ana­lyses to uncover hidden oppor­tu­ni­ties and give you a lasting advantage.

Data Analysis

Data ana­lysis trans­forms raw data into valuable insights. Our exper­tise enables you to reco­gnize pat­terns, pre­dict trends and make informed decis­ions that drive your busi­ness forward.

We eva­luate your cur­rent analytics setup to iden­tify any need for opti­mization or mis­con­fi­gu­ra­tion. This step is cru­cial to ensure that you can trust your data.

We develop a com­pre­hen­sive analytics stra­tegy that is ali­gned with your busi­ness goals. We deter­mine which data should be coll­ected, how it should be ana­lyzed and inter­preted in order to achieve the grea­test pos­sible benefit.

Set­ting up and opti­mi­zing analytics tools and plat­forms that enable effi­cient data ana­lysis. We ensure that you have access to the latest tech­no­lo­gies and can fully uti­lize your data ana­lysis capacities.

Under­stand your marketing data better with cus­to­mized dash­boards and in-depth data ana­lysis. With daily updates to our Loo­ker­Studio dash­board, you can always keep an eye on the performance of your cam­paigns. Our experts also sup­port you with regular ana­lyses to uncover hidden oppor­tu­ni­ties and give you a lasting advantage.

Data Visualization

Good visua­lization makes com­plex data under­stan­dable and acce­s­sible. We trans­form your data into meaningful gra­phics and dash­boards that make it easier to reco­gnize trends, pat­terns and anomalies.

Eva­lua­tion of cur­rent visua­lization prac­tices and tools. We iden­tify areas for impro­ve­ment to ensure that your visua­lizations are both enga­ging and informative.

Develop a visua­lization stra­tegy that meets your spe­cific needs. We deter­mine the most effec­tive ways to pre­sent your data to ensure maximum insight and impact.

Imple­ment the neces­sary tools and soft­ware for advanced data visua­lization. We make sure that your teams develop and improve their ability to create and inter­pret visualizations.

Con­ti­nuous eva­lua­tion of the effec­ti­ve­ness of your visua­lizations. We ensure that they remain up-to-date and opti­mally sup­port your decision-making processes.

Data Visualization

Good visua­lization makes com­plex data under­stan­dable and acce­s­sible. We trans­form your data into meaningful gra­phics and dash­boards that make it easier to reco­gnize trends, pat­terns and anomalies.

Eva­lua­tion of cur­rent visua­lization prac­tices and tools. We iden­tify areas for impro­ve­ment to ensure that your visua­lizations are both enga­ging and informative.

Develop a visua­lization stra­tegy that meets your spe­cific needs. We deter­mine the most effec­tive ways to pre­sent your data to ensure maximum insight and impact.

Imple­men­ting the neces­sary tools and soft­ware for advanced data visua­lization. We make sure that your teams develop and improve their ability to create and inter­pret visualizations.

Con­ti­nuous eva­lua­tion of the effec­ti­ve­ness of your visua­lizations. We ensure that they remain up-to-date and opti­mally sup­port your decision-making processes.

Knowledge Transfer and Empowerment

Know­ledge transfer bridges the gap bet­ween data owner­ship and data-driven action. Our goal is to enable your team to use and share data-based know­ledge effectively.

Our “Data Demy­sti­fied Work­shops” aim to make data tan­gible and under­stan­dable for ever­yone. Through prac­tical appli­ca­tions and easy-to-under­stand expl­ana­tions, we give data a face and make the com­plex topic of data ana­lysis acce­s­sible to everyone.

We believe that the best way to learn is through direct appli­ca­tion in real pro­jects. That’s why we work hand in hand with your team on cur­rent pro­jects to put theo­re­tical know­ledge directly into practice.

Whe­ther for pro­ject work or long-term part­ner­ships, we rely on trans­pa­rent docu­men­ta­tion through log files, spe­cia­lized work­s­heets and tailor-made Con­fluence wikis. This pro­vides insights into our work and avoids know­ledge silos.

Knowledge Transfer and Empowerment

Know­ledge transfer bridges the gap bet­ween data owner­ship and data-driven action. Our goal is to enable your team to use and share data-based know­ledge effectively.

Our “Data Demy­sti­fied Work­shops” aim to make data tan­gible and under­stan­dable for ever­yone. Through prac­tical appli­ca­tions and easy-to-under­stand expl­ana­tions, we give data a face and make the com­plex topic of data ana­lysis acce­s­sible to everyone.

We believe that the best way to learn is through direct appli­ca­tion in real pro­jects. That’s why we work hand in hand with your team on cur­rent pro­jects to put theo­re­tical know­ledge directly into practice.

Whe­ther for pro­ject work or long-term part­ner­ships, we rely on trans­pa­rent docu­men­ta­tion through log files, spe­cia­lized work­s­heets and tailor-made Con­fluence wikis. This pro­vides insights into our work and avoids know­ledge silos.

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