Contact details:

Attackera AG

Bade­n­er­strasse 120

8004 Zurich


Tel.:  +41 79 103 30 10


Authorized representative:

Chief Exe­cu­tive Officer: Ste­phan Frey


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The copy­right and all other rights to the con­tent, images, photos or other files on the web­site belong exclu­si­vely to the com­pany Attackera AG or the spe­ci­fi­cally named rights hol­ders. For the repro­duc­tion of any ele­ments, the written con­sent of the copy­right hol­ders must be obtained in advance.

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Data privacy

We cannot assume any lia­bi­lity for the secu­rity of data trans­mis­sion on the Internet; in par­ti­cular, there is a risk of access by third par­ties when data is trans­mitted by e‑mail. The use of contact data published in the imprint by third par­ties for advertising pur­poses is hereby expressly prohibited.

Attackera AG expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event that unso­li­cited advertising or infor­ma­tion mate­rial is sent. Should indi­vi­dual regu­la­tions or for­mu­la­tions of this dis­claimer be or become invalid, the remai­ning regu­la­tions remain unaf­fected in their con­tent and vali­dity. More about data pro­tec­tion can be found here.