Visana and SLRG:
More clicks for safer swimming fun

Starting point

The health insu­rance com­pany Visana and the SLRG (Swiss Lifes­aving Society) have been making common cause with the “Save your fri­ends” cam­paign since 2018. The pre­ven­tion and awa­re­ness cam­paign aims to pre­vent swim­ming acci­dents and drow­ning. In order to reach young people in par­ti­cular, who are espe­ci­ally at risk for swim­ming acci­dents, Visana and the SLRG pro­duced a safety check as well as funny cam­paign videos — sup­ported by pro­fes­sional track and field ath­letes Mujinga and Ditaji Kambundji. 

Campaign on a wave of success

Bet­ween June and the end of August 2021, the “Save your fri­ends” cam­paign drew atten­tion to the risks of swim­ming in an enter­tai­ning way on social media, and for the first time with two for­mats on TikTok.

Attackera sup­ported the cam­paign with programmatic advertising (dis­play & video) and a Uhoo pla­ce­ment. Uhoo offers the pos­si­bi­lity to deliver the ads exclu­si­vely in the imme­diate pro­xi­mity of rivers and lakes in order to create maximum relevance.

Example ads

Success figures

Thanks to our digital advertising acti­vi­ties, the “Save-your-fri­ends” cam­paign suc­cessfully rea­ched users, inclu­ding the highly rele­vant target group of 15- to 19-year-olds.

+13% Awareness 

We increased una­ided awa­re­ness of the cam­paign from 12 per­cent (2020) to 25 per­cent (2021).

TikTok + 40% Traffic 

The one-day brand take­over pla­ce­ment on TikTok — that is, the full-screen dis­play of the cam­paign ad for 3 to 5 seconds that linked to the landing page — drove nearly 40% of the traffic for the entire cam­paign in just one day. The average ses­sion dura­tion was half a minute. 

CTR of 0,43%

The Uhoo pla­ce­ments impressed with a remar­kable click-through rate of 0.43% and high qua­lity visits to the cam­paign page.