We help you to retain your employees in the long term

Digital workshops or the «Happy People» program

For some years now, good skilled workers have been able to choose their jobs, and attempts to poach them are also beco­ming incre­a­singly direct. The “fruit basket” alone has long since ceased to be suf­fi­cient to keep the fluc­tua­tion rate low.

Employees want to be per­ceived as indi­vi­duals, many demand radical fle­xi­bi­lity, they are moti­vated more by fee­lings than by things. In addi­tion, it is beco­ming incre­a­singly important to take a posi­tion on social issues; ever­yone values opinions.

In con­crete terms, this means for the manage­ment team: listening, invol­ving, explai­ning. And last but not least: encou­rage and challenge.

We are aware of this and have deve­loped a pro­gram to embed these skills in both HR mana­gers and team mem­bers in order to improve the working atmo­sphere sus­tain­ably and in the long term.

Sample work­shop content:

  • Pro­fes­sional
    • Online Marketing (in general)
    • Online Marketing Trends
    • Tracking
  • Lea­der­ship
    • New Work
    • Co-deter­mi­na­tion in the team
    • Pre­sen­ta­tion workshop

«Educated people» – digital onboarding

Bring new team mem­bers up to speed within 2 weeks. With our modular system this is possible.

The one-on-one trai­ning of our experts gua­ran­tees qua­lity and leaves the new employees with a good feeling.

Maximum fle­xi­bi­lity in handling.


  • One less thing to worry about! While you focus on the core busi­ness, we take care of the new team members.
  • One-on-one trai­ning! Our experts gua­rantee qua­lity and leave a good fee­ling with the new staff.
  • Maximum fle­xi­bi­lity! Trai­ning in all systems and addi­tional cer­ti­fi­ca­tion (e.g. Google) possible.
  • Review! Final check of the man­power plus assign­ment recom­men­da­tion by our team.
  • Know­ledge! We know the agency busi­ness and know what matters.

Learn more about our worlds: