Excellent cooperation

Starting position

We were able to put our skills to the test for one of Switzerland’s lar­gest retailers. To increase media effi­ci­ency, we adapted the tech­no­logy for the AdServer in 2017 and modi­fied mea­su­ring. With the fol­lo­wing 3 “engines” of Programmatic Advertising we brought microspot.ch’s media performance to new heights (dis­play advertising — ban­ners, etc.). 


Intergalactic good results

Highest CPX 

We maxi­mized performance to the hig­hest pos­sible uti­lity limit (CPX) wit­hout redu­cing neces­sary visibility. 

Cost reduction 

Attackera opti­mized dis­play advertising in two ways: To achieve visi­bi­lity with the neces­sary number of impres­sions (visi­bi­lity of the ad) on the one hand and to keep both, ROI (return on invest­ment) and cost per click (CPC) low on the other hand. Microspot’s objec­tives were exceeded. 

Efficient budget 

We managed to con­ti­nuously redi­rect the budget in such a way that the stron­gest advertising channel accounted for the reve­nues. All other chan­nels sup­plied the funnel with traffic and were auto­ma­ti­cally enri­ched via the pro­duct feeds (pro­duct infor­ma­tion) and audi­ence lists. 

With this space mission we won the gold medal at the Best of Swiss Web Award 2018. The cus­tomer is con­ti­nues to be a satis­fied cus­tomer of Attackera to this day.